Make a Donation to Support Our Parishes

Our parishes depend on your donations and we are most grateful for anything you can afford to give. As you can imagine, the pandemic has had quite an effect on our income so your offerings are especially needed at this time, and are very much appreciated.

Use the details below to donate online or scroll to the bottom of the page for our bank details to donate directly by bank transfer, or contact me to chat about other options.

Thank you very much indeed, Fr John

Donate by Bank Transfer

To make an offline donation directly, the bank details are as follows:

St. Mary’s General Account
Bank - The Royal Bank of Scotland
Account No: 00253583
Sort Code: 83-17-10 

St. Mary’s Building Fund
Bank - The Royal Bank of Scotland
Account No: 00254571
Sort Code: 83-17-10

St Joseph’s General Account
Bank - The Royal Bank of Scotland
Account No: 00253591
Sort Code: 83-17-10


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