St Mary's Building Fund Appeal

Update on Progress

The work is complete and we have closed the formal appeal, but of course any assistance to keep our building and repair fund ready for emergencies, etc, is always most welcome. Contact Fr John if you are able to contribute.




After five weeks so much has been achieved. All the lights have been replaced (thank you David) and the painting has now been completed. Inside the Chapel is looking brilliant and the simplicity of the back wall and Altar is stunning. The side Altars are also looking great. The use of blue and two shades of white is simple but impressive. The balcony (balcarino?) is quite superb done in gold leaf and plum paint. The statue of Mary above the choir loft has been repainted and gold leafed to make it stand out better. Many other unseen jobs have also been carried out(thanks to Jim S, Jim M, Maureen and Merrylyn.

This week sees the floor work begin so looking forward to a new look there.

Only one calamity as a pipe in the porch toilet burst with water spraying everywhere and David and I were soaked.

All in a good cause.

Still to be done: Altar carpet fitted, full clean of church, new welcome mats purchased, some glazier work, Votive stands, hymn book stand and then put it all back together again. Thanks to all who donated to the fund - please continue to do so - and to everyone who helped us.

Update from Jim Brown, 1 August 2023

To all our parishioners and friends of St Mary's

Firstly, a big thanks to your financial support over recent years!

We have carried out a significant number of repairs and improvements and finally we will be undertaking a complete re-decoration of our Chapel starting July 3rd.

The painting of the complete interior and restoration of the wooden floor will cost over £70000. Whilst this will be a terrific achievement, it is only possible thanks to your financial support and kindness.

That’s the upside; the downside is that it leaves the Building Fund almost empty.

 We need to rebuild this as we,

a) Need to carry our repairs to the belfry floors and the bell.

b) Would like to repair and repaint the railings & gates around the Chapel grounds.

c) Need to have a contingency fund for emergencies.

 Two such emergencies, which occurred in recent years, were the need to replace the boiler which packed in and the rebuilding of rear wall on Beeches Road which became dangerously close to collapsing.

We need your help as we aim to raise £25,000.

So we need YOU our loyal parishioners to help by:-

  • Making a personal donation.
  • No donation is too small.
  • Spreading the plea by word of mouth.


  • By social media (Facebook, text, whatsapp, etc) by sending a message to each appropriate person on your contact list and in turn asking them to make a donation and pass the appeal message on.
  • Completing a Gift Aid Form which allows us to claim 25% back from the Government.

Forms are available from the Chapel and if you have any questions on this we will be happy to answer them for you.

Donations can be submitted in the following ways:-

The easiest way is to use the secure donation form on this page. Choose what you are able to donate, Gift Aid it if you are able to (a Gift Aid form will be automatically generated), and you'll receive a receipt, etc, immediately.

You can make a bank transfer to St. Mary’s Building Account, details as follows:

A/c no. 00254571    Sort Code 83-17-10

You can write a cheque, made out to St. Mary’s Building Account.

You can donate cash by sealed envelope, endorsed "St. Mary’s Building Appeal".

Thank you for anything you can give, and for the many ways you support the parish.

Father John McGinley

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