Welcome to the Catholic Parishes in Duntocher & Faifley


5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

‘Here I am, Lord, send me’

However unworthy we may feel or believe ourselves to be, God sees beyond this, and is inviting each of us without exception to live a fulfilled life in the flow of his bountiful love.

In the Temple, Isaiah experiences a vision of the wonder of God and is overcome with self doubt and self-criticism. Despite this, he is given a blessing and told his sins are forgiven. His response is immediate: ‘Here I am! Send me!’ (First Reading)

In a similar way, when Simon Peter first meets Jesus (Gospel), he is overcome with a sense of worthlessness and sinfulness in the presence of the unsought bounty of God.  Jesus’s response is to gently but firmly tell Simon (and us!): ‘Do not be afraid, just follow’. And Simon Peter does.

St Paul, writing to the Corinthians (Second Reading), is all too aware of his shortcomings to proclaim the Gospel, given his past life as a persecutor of Christians. But with God’s grace, he gladly accepts that he is called to follow Christ and preach the Good News.

We can easily imagine that Paul and the Apostles prayed this week’s Psalm with joyful thanks, as they experienced the unconditional love of God. Let us join them in praying it with gratitude too.

As Pilgrims of Hope in this Jubilee Year, we pray for the grace to see beyond the limitations that we set upon ourselves. We ask to glimpse the beauty and potential that God sees within us and calls us to share with the world. Let us encourage and support each other to answer God’s call to bring hope-filled justice and peace, wherever it is needed.

(With thanks to St Beuno's Outreach)


The Miraculous Draught of Fishes

Raphael (Tapestry Cartoon, 1515)

Victoria & Albert Museum


Mass and Confession Times

Sunday Masses
St. Mary’s - Sat Vigil Mass 5pm; 10am
St. Joseph’s - 12 Noon
Weekday Mass
St. Mary’s - Monday – Friday 9.30am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
St. Mary’s - Saturday 4.15 - 4.45pm
(Please note that the Confession box is the one next to sacristy)
St. Joseph’s - Sunday 11.45am

Pray With the Pope February Intention

For vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.

Visit the website of Pray With the Pope

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