Welcome to the Catholic Parishes in Duntocher & Faifley
The Baptism of the Lord
‘Here is my servant whom I uphold’
With the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we reach the end of Christmastide, and the Gospel readings begin to follow Jesus in his teaching and public mission. This feast is another ‘epiphany’: a manifestation of God as Father, Son and Spirit.
The First Reading from Isaiah is joyous. God will save his people. Like a shepherd he will care for them, and bring them home from exile.
The Psalm is a prayer of praise to the God of creation, who nourishes his people and pours forth his Spirit upon them.
In the Second Reading we are told that we have been saved through rebirth in water and the Spirit: not through any merit of our own, but thanks to the loving kindness of our God.
In the Gospel we hear God’s voice proclaiming Jesus as his beloved Son, and the Spirit descends upon him as he is baptised by John.
As Pilgrims of Hope in this Jubilee year, let us consider the glories of our universe, created through and for Christ, who brings all things to perfection. Perhaps pondering on the waters of baptism will lead us to a greater and deeper appreciation of this wonderful element, and encourage us to help and pray for those deprived of life-giving water.
(With thanks to St Beuno's Outreach)
Scrovegni Chapel, Padua
(From the fresco series 'Scenes from the Life of Christ' - click here to see all of the frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel).
Mass and Confession Times
Sunday Masses
St. Mary’s - Sat Vigil Mass 5pm; 10am
St. Joseph’s - 12 Noon
Weekday Mass
St. Mary’s - Monday – Friday 9.30am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
St. Mary’s - Saturday 4.15 - 4.45pm
(Please note that the Confession box is the one next to sacristy)
St. Joseph’s - Sunday 11.45am
Pray With the Pope January Intention
For the right to an education.
Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected..
Visit the website of Pray With the Pope